Context: for users of a mobile medical app, you need to implement a model that allows the user to upload an image and automatically tag it.
Decision: created a model based on OCR and the language recognition model.
The solution is integrated into the customer's business process:
- Reducing the load on specialists by 60%;
- Increase the speed of document processing in the business process by 10%;
- Reduced costs due to lost documents by 5%.
Built solutions for automatic speech recognition:
- Receipts;
- Invoices;
- Order-out;
- Contract agreement.
To build the model, we used:
- Set of categories of medical tests;
- Database of images of medical tests;
- The marking of images by category.
Simulation result:
Model for classifying images by category.
Customer: Medicine, Telecom
Technology stack: OCR, TensorFlow, nltk, Python.